The QUIC Network Protocol

Sat, 17 Feb 2024Developmentalexrp

Packet prioritization, compact encoding, and proper encryption.

When building a server emulator for a game, the typical approach is to simply use the game's original network protocol. This is easy since it requires no client-side changes, and it is usually good enough in terms of performance and security. TERA is an unusual case, however:

  • The network protocol is based on a single TCP connection, thus performing very poorly on an unreliable network due to head-of-line blocking. This is especially bad for an action game like TERA where every millisecond matters.
  • The PIKE key exchange happens in plaintext when the connection is established, completely undermining the encryption and rendering it trivially vulnerable to MITM.
  • Packet serialization is wasteful. For arrays and strings, lots of payload space is spent on pointer metadata (some of it entirely unused), and the reader must chase these pointers to correctly read the data. No effort is made to compress integers.

With TERA Arise, we are addressing the reliability and security problems right from the beginning, and we will incrementally address the compactness issue as the project progresses. We are doing this by implementing a new network protocol based on QUIC, as well as a new packet serialization format.

QUIC was designed to be a replacement for TCP with some improvements that are particularly useful for HTTP. For example, the connection handshake is faster, a single connection can have multiple TCP-like streams open, and encryption through TLS is directly integrated into the protocol. The faster handshake is not particularly interesting for TERA Arise since our connections are long-lived, but the ability to have multiple streams very much is, and the integrated encryption is also a nice boon for privacy and game integrity.

Independent Prioritizable Streams

Packets are not created equal; some are clearly more important than others. The primary player activity in TERA is combat, during which we care more about the reliable delivery of packets related to skills and movement. Chat-related packets are also somewhat important for coordination purposes, but not as important. Meanwhile, packets related to other systems like guilds, friends, etc are of very low importance.

In this way, we sort every packet into an importance category ahead of time. At run time, we create a separate QUIC stream for each importance category. Finally, we inform the underlying QUIC implementation of the relative importance of each stream. At the moment, we have exactly 3 prioritized streams per connection. This is an arbitrary number that can always be increased.

On a reliable network, this setup will ensure that packets queued for sending on higher-priority streams go out first. There are also benefits for unreliable networks; in particular, by separating packets into multiple streams, intermittent packet loss will not necessarily harm all communication, and even when there is packet loss on the higher-priority streams, the QUIC implementation will know to prioritize re-sending packets for those streams first.

It is important to note that, while all data transmission within a QUIC stream is ordered exactly like a TCP connection, there are no ordering guarantees between streams. So we do have to be careful not to accidentally introduce ordering-related bugs when we sort packets into importance categories. For example, it would be problematic for S_SPAWN_USER to be lower priority than S_ACTION_STAGE since it could result in a client seeing a skill action from a player that has not yet spawned in. But there would be nothing semantically wrong with S_SPAWN_USER being higher priority than S_ACTION_STAGE (even if that would not be particularly useful).

Encryption and Mutual Authentication

Since TLS is mandatory in QUIC, we get encryption essentially for free, and without MITM vulnerability.

In TLS, ordinarily, the client authenticates the server, but not the other way around. Additionally, that authentication only checks that the server's certificate came from a trusted certificate authority and that it is valid for the server's host name. We have stricter requirements for authentication in TERA Arise, however:

  • As part of our anti-cheating strategy, we do not want to permit clients to connect unless they are using a certificate that was issued for the exact TERA Arise client version corresponding to a particular TERA Arise server version.
  • Because the server sends a DLL for the client to execute (also part of our anti-cheating strategy), it is imperative that the client can trust that the server is in fact a legitimate TERA Arise server matching the client version, lest the client end up running malicious code from an impostor.

To solve these problems, we do the following at build time:

  1. We generate a custom certificate authority.
  2. We generate a client private key and issue a certificate from the authority. This certificate is marked as valid for client use only.
  3. We generate a server private key and issue a certificate from the authority. This certificate is marked as valid for server use only.
  4. We embed the client private key and certificate in the client executable.
  5. We embed the server private key and certificate in the server executable.
  6. We embed the authority's certificate in the client and server executables. (But not its private key!)

With this, the protocol layer simply checks that the other side of the connection can demonstrate mastery over the certificate it presented (i.e. that it has the corresponding private key), checks that the certificate is valid, and finally, checks that the certificate was issued by the same custom certificate authority.

If these checks pass for a remote server, then it follows that the server version matches the client version, and the DLL it sends is safe to run. If these checks pass for a remote client, then it follows that the client version matches the server version, and it should be permitted to connect.

I will describe our full anti-cheating strategy in an upcoming article.

Compact Serialization Format

To compress integers, we use a scheme similar to length-encoded integers in MariaDB:

public void WriteCompactUInt32(uint value)
    switch (value)
        case < 0xfd:
        case <= 0xffff:
        case <= 0xffffff:
            WriteByte((byte)(value >> 16));

public uint ReadCompactUInt32()
    return ReadByte() switch
        0xfd => ReadUInt16(),
        0xfe => (uint)(ReadUInt16() | ReadByte() << 16),
        0xff => ReadUInt32(),
        var value => value,

public void WriteCompactInt32(int value)
    switch (value)
        case >= -0x80 and < 0x7b:
        case >= -0x10000 and <= 0xffff:
            WriteSByte((sbyte)(value < 0 ? 0x7b : 0x7c));
            WriteUInt16((ushort)(value < 0 ? ~value : value));
        case >= -0x1000000 and <= 0xffffff:
            WriteSByte((sbyte)(value < 0 ? 0x7d : 0x7e));
            WriteUInt16((ushort)(value < 0 ? ~value : value));
            WriteByte((byte)((value < 0 ? ~value : value) >>> 16));

public int ReadCompactInt32()
    return ReadSByte() switch
        0x7b => ~ReadUInt16(),
        0x7c => ReadUInt16(),
        0x7d => ~(ReadUInt16() | ReadByte() << 16),
        0x7e => ReadUInt16() | ReadByte() << 16,
        0x7f => ReadInt32(),
        var value => value,

It is based on the simple observation that the vast majority of integer values tend to be small. By reserving a few of the highest byte values (or lowest and highest sbyte values for signed integers) as sentinels to indicate the integer length, we can encode small values as a single byte, while for larger values, the sentinel value indicates how many of the following bytes make up the value (2, 3, or 4 bytes). The scheme naturally extends to any fixed-width integer type, including e.g. long/ulong. The result is that most values get a smaller encoding than a naive fixed-width encoding, while larger values (which are very rare) get a slightly larger encoding.

For arrays and strings, we build on this integer compression scheme by writing the element count as a compact ushort, followed immediately by all elements. There is no pointer metadata; a reader can simply read the array or string right where it is encountered. This saves a significant amount of space in more complex packets such as S_INVEN.

Of course, we cannot simply change the serialization format for packets and expect the client to understand the packet. Our plan is to incrementally replace the client's native packet handlers with ones written by us, using our custom serialization format. This has to be done incrementally because we have to basically duplicate all the logic in the native packet handler, which in turn requires reverse engineering.